Much Is At Stake If You Are Facing Sex Offenses
Sexual Assault · Date Rape · Child Pornography · Soliciting Minors
The climate surrounding sex crimes has changed. Many cases that formerly would have been dropped for lack of evidence are now prosecuted. Prosecutors have less discretion in charging decisions and less leeway in resolving these cases.
Few allegations carry such steep punishment and lifelong ramifications as a sex offense. At The Goldberg Law Firm, we understand what is at stake. We provide a vigorous defense to adults and juveniles in Greater Cleveland and surrounding jurisdictions of northeast Ohio.
Cuyahoga County Sexual Assault Defense Attorney
After serving prison or jail time for a sex crime, those convicted must register as sexual predators or sex offenders. Sex crimes are punishable by serious prison time, followed by a lifetime of sex offender registration. We make every effort to avoid or minimize these harsh outcomes, whatever the allegations:
- Sexual assault or attempted rape
- Date rape
- Child molestation
- Statutory rape
- Soliciting minors on the internet
- Possession of child pornography
- Other sexual offenses
Ohio authorities are taking a harder line in the evaluation and resolution of sex crimes. As a result of recent high-profile cases, all complaints of sexual assault are being prosecuted to the fullest extent. Unfortunately, many falsely accused people are caught up in this fervor.
Date rape is one of the most common scenarios of injustice. After consensual sex, the alleged victim has a change of heart or sobers up, and reports it as a sexual assault. The accused is dragged through a public ordeal and faces a felony record, prison time and the stigma of registering as sex offender.
Experienced Cleveland Sex Crime Defense Attorney
Whatever the allegation, The Goldberg Law Firm asserts your presumption of innocence. We do everything in our power to get the charges dismissed or evidence suppressed, or to negotiate a plea to a non-sex offense that avoids sex offender status. If the case goes forward, we will make the prosecution prove its case rather than simply pleading you guilty. Trial lawyer Michael J. Goldberg is prepared to defend you at trial to avoid the unbearable penalties of a conviction.
To arrange a free consultation, call us today at 216-592-8719 or 800-845-4710, or contact us online.