There are many kinds of online scams, and if you're accused of starting one, it's a major threat to your freedom. If you're convicted of scamming people, you could face heavy fines and jail time, so it's necessary to defend yourself if you're accused. No two cyber...
Internet Crimes
Revenge hacking: Still illegal, despite good intentions
Imagine being in charge of a major business. You've witnessed hacking destroy lives through the Equifax debacle, and you know that you have information that people could want to hack as well. You think the best plan is to set up your own hacking endeavor. If someone...
Identity theft is a serious allegation: Fight back
Identity theft is a serious allegation that you need to defend yourself against as soon as possible. An accusation essentially says that you've been bold enough to take someone else's personal information and to use it for your own personal gain. Whether that's true...
You’re typically not really anonymous online
One prevailing myth about the internet is that you're basically anonymous while you're using it. While this can be true in some situations, much of what you do online is actually tracked. For example, Google has records of the searches that you conduct. You can even...
These common internet crimes can lead to jail sentences
There are many internet crimes that people participate in all around the world. From hacking to email scams, these crimes affect many people and have the potential to wipe out bank accounts and steal identities. While some people may find themselves aiding a criminal...
What are Ohio’s computer crime laws?
Ohio has a number of specialized laws regarding computer crimes. In reality, technology changes so fast that there can never be a law for every situation, but the state does try to cover its bases. There are laws regarding internet crimes against children, internet...
Trojan virus infects thousands of computers in Ohio
Phishing scams are email scams that can lead to individuals suffering financial ruin. Malicious email attachments defraud many, and with over 60,000 computers being infected in just one crime ring's circle, it's no surprise that these emails quickly rake in money for...
Understanding white collar computer crimes
Computer hacking is frequently in the news. Hackers have infiltrated government institutions, private companies and individuals. Everyone is vulnerable to hacking. Hacking involves using a computer to obtain unauthorized access to another data system. Hacking can be...
Can an employer report illegal material found on your computer?
A child pornography case in California has sparked discussion and debate not only in the cyber law community but among employers across the country regarding the right to privacy and illegal search and seizure of material obtained on people's computers without a...
What is the CAN-SPAM Act?
Many business owners, including professionals like doctors and dentists, use online marketing as a way to bring in customers and clients. E-mail can be a very effective marketing tool. However, it's essential not to run afoul of laws designed to protect consumers from...