As a health care provider, it is your job to know the ins and outs of every law. Along with this, you need to act in a trustworthy and honest manner at all times. For example, you should never cross the line when it comes to matters of Medicare. If you do, you could...
Understanding the ins and outs of insurance fraud
Insurance fraud remains a major problem throughout the United States, with many individuals and companies partaking in this illegal activity every year. In short, insurance fraud is any act performed with the objective of obtaining improper payment from an insurance...
How does credit card fraud happen?
Every day of the week, in states throughout the country, credit card fraud occurs. While some people look for ways to commit this crime, hoping to obtain a financial gain, others find themselves going down this path without really knowing what is going on. When you...
Do you understand bankruptcy fraud?
There is never a good time to find yourself filing for bankruptcy. If you are even thinking about this, it means that something has gone wrong with your finances. But here is the good thing: Bankruptcy gives you a way to start fresh. It provides an opportunity to...
The many types of credit card fraud
Credit card fraud is a serious crime that has serious consequences. Even though most people understand the finer details of credit card fraud, it's possible to cross the "legal line" and find yourself in trouble. There are many types of credit card fraud, with the...
Understanding the elements and types of wire fraud
There is no denying the fact that wire fraud is a serious crime that has serious consequences. At the same time, you cannot ignore the fact that it is possible to commit this crime without any criminal intentions. Wire fraud, as the name suggests, involves some type...
Are you familiar with the types of health care fraud?
There are times when health care fraud is an orchestrated scheme by an individual or company with the idea of making a financial gain. There are also situations in which a person or company makes an honest mistake, however, it is seen by outsiders as some type of...
How does mass marketing fraud work?
The first component to mass marketing fraud in Cleveland, Ohio, is that a wide audience has to be reached. This generally means that something like the telephone, the Internet, or the postal service will be used. In some cases, even large meetings can count as mass...
What you need to know about wire fraud
The crime of wire fraud comes in many different forms. For example, this crime can range from telemarketing fraud to spam schemes among others. Breaking down the elements of wire fraud makes it easier to understand. As the name suggests, this crime involves some type...
Dance Moms star indicted on bankruptcy fraud charges
Abby Lee Miller, famously known for her reality television series Dance Moms, has been indicted on bankruptcy fraud charges by a federal grand jury in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. According to the United States Attorney's Office, she hid approximately $755,000 after...