Every day of the week, in states throughout the country, credit card fraud occurs. While some people look for ways to commit this crime, hoping to obtain a financial gain, others find themselves going down this path without really knowing what is going on.
When you understand how credit card fraud happens, you can do your best to avoid getting caught up in this serious crime.
The most common form of credit card fraud is theft. This is when a person steals a credit card or credit card information. From there, they use the card to make fraudulent purchases.
Another type of credit card fraud is when a people call somebody on the phone, setting up a scam in which they attempt to collect credit card information for something in return. For example, the prospective scammer may tell the other party they qualify for a free trip, as long as they provide their credit card information to pay for taxes and other miscellaneous fees.
Credit card fraud typically happens when people get so caught up in money that they will do anything to get their hands on more. This often means breaking the law.
If you have been charged with credit card fraud or a similar type of white collar crime, it’s essential to know what you did wrong and why you are in trouble with the law. You may soon realize that you did not take part in the criminal activity, but are being dragged through the mud nonetheless. Knowing your legal rights can help you avoid serious trouble associated with this type of crime.
Source: Federal Trade Commission, “Protecting Against Credit Card Fraud,” accessed Feb. 17, 2016