People tend to think of embezzlement as overt misappropriation of company resources. A receptionist or secretary stealing from the petty cash drawer could be embezzlement. So could scenarios where salespeople falsify transactions or void legitimate ones to issue...
Ohio embezzlement charges
If accused of embezzlement in Ohio, you need to understand the charges against you and the potential penalties. You can find the best defense to use with the right information since this crime can also ruin your career. Here's an overview of Ohio's embezzlement laws...
Federal embezzlement convictions: What are the punishments?
Punishments related to a federal embezzlement conviction could involve many years in prison. In fact, some defendants accused of this crime are surprised at just how lengthy jail sentences can get. The fines associated with the offense can also be extremely high. Here...
Embezzlement: Develop a strong defense
Embezzlement might not seem like it's hurting anything or anyone when you're doing it. Taking a small amount of money from a cash register each day and manipulating the data to show that nothing is missing is a good, simple example. The problem is that even if no one...
Embezzlement is a deportable offense and felony charge
Embezzlement is a type of aggravated felony. As a result, anyone who is working toward citizenship or who is immigrating to the United States needs to be aware of what it is and how to avoid participating in any acts that could result in a conviction. Embezzlement can...
The tale of two embelzzers
There were recently two embezzling cases that ended with two very different sentences for the defendants. One of the defendants is a former clerk-treasurer for Amherst and the other is an ex-football player for the Browns. Both of the individuals stole over $100,000....
The burden of proof for embezzlement charges
Of course, any allegations involving embezzlement should be taken seriously. Regardless of whether investigators have already arrested and charged you or whether you are simply under investigation, you need an attorney as soon as possible. This type of white collar...
Woman blames embezzlement charge on another woman
Ohio readers may be interested to hear about the case of a woman recently arrested on federal charges in a neighboring state for allegedly extorting money from another woman rumored to have had an affair with her husband. The other woman was arrested for embezzlement...
Woman sentenced in Ohio embezzlement case
In 2007, Collaborative Systems Group, an Ohio computer consulting business, hired a woman from a neighboring state to serve as the company's CFO. After nearly three years in that position, the now former CFO is said to have embezzled $1,065,000 from the company during...
Alleged misuse of company funds leads to felony charges
A former administrator of an Ohio Montessori school has been arrested on 20 counts pertaining to child pornography. The felony charges arose out of an investigation conducted by the school into the former director's use of a company credit/debit card. According to the...