Drug charges have the potential to change your life, even if you're not convicted. When those around you think that you've been involved with drugs, you may have to face intense scrutiny. It may not be fair, but it's how the world works. As someone who faces charges,...
Year: 2019
What’s mass-marketing fraud?
Mass-marketing fraud is probably not a term that you're very familiar with. It's easier to explain the term by understanding the method of defrauding others. Mass-marketing fraud is a term that refers to any fraud that uses mass-communication methods. The methods of...
The affect of MAT in drug court
In the case of drug charges, sometimes people would benefit more from treatment rather than pure punishment. Some authorities realize this and have put drug courts into practice. Through the drug court, people still face criminal charges, but their punishment includes...
Hoax leads to 40 felony charges against Ohio teen
It's not often you hear about a teen facing multiple felonies, but a teen in Ohio is facing 40 over claims that they were involved in a swatting hoax in Dodge County. According to an article out of Dodge Co. Wisconsin, a hoax phone call had been received in March 2018...
Are you accused of participating in pretexting activities?
Pretexting made the news when Hewlett-Packard employees were accused of engaging in the activity. HP executives had to testify before Congress at a time when the status of pretexting was still unclear. Not long after, President George W. Bush signed legislation making...
4 face charges after alleged bank fraud
Fraud is a crime that is taken seriously because it affects many. Faking a signature could result in a check being cashed, for example, that then empties someone's bank account. It could be the falsification of documents that help you receive property that isn't yours...
The hidden cost of jail time
Is it hard to find a job after spending time in prison? Felony convicts, in particular, often find it difficult to secure stable, career track employment with important benefits, such as health care or retirement plans. The best path is typically to take all...
Accused of cyberstalking? Get help to defend yourself
One internet crime that can quickly lead to an arrest is cyberstalking. Like stalking a person in real life, cyberstalking is when a person uses the internet to harass a person through email, on social media accounts and in other ways. Cyberstalking is a criminal...
What are Ohio’s gun control laws?
If you are a felon, then there are some special laws that may apply to you. Of them is one important law regarding your right to obtain and use a gun. Ohio's laws dictate several situations in which people may not possess or own a gun. To avoid getting into trouble...
Federal embezzlement convictions: What are the punishments?
Punishments related to a federal embezzlement conviction could involve many years in prison. In fact, some defendants accused of this crime are surprised at just how lengthy jail sentences can get. The fines associated with the offense can also be extremely high. Here...