A person charged with assault may not believe the charge is anything too serious. In some cases, that may be true and the charge gets dropped or reduced to time served. However, if you commit an act of assault, do you know the type of punishment you may face? If...
Month: April 2019
Facing drug charges? Know what to expect
Drug charges have the potential to change your life, even if you're not convicted. When those around you think that you've been involved with drugs, you may have to face intense scrutiny. It may not be fair, but it's how the world works. As someone who faces charges,...
What’s mass-marketing fraud?
Mass-marketing fraud is probably not a term that you're very familiar with. It's easier to explain the term by understanding the method of defrauding others. Mass-marketing fraud is a term that refers to any fraud that uses mass-communication methods. The methods of...