A felony is the most serious class of offenses you can be charged with. It's absolutely vital that you work on a strong defense if you face a felony charge. Felonies have more serious penalties than misdemeanors, and you could face time in prison or face heavy fines....
Assault charges can vary significantly
When you're in the midst of a physical altercation with someone, you're likely not thinking about what specific laws you may be violating. Whether you were defending yourself, taking on someone who made a pass at your girlfriend or have had enough as a guy at the bar...
Assisted suicide now a felony in Ohio
Many people consider the right to die a deeply personal decision that people should be allowed to make for themselves without the government's interference. However, when terminally-ill people become so sick and frail that they can't take their own lives to escape...
Could Ohio require violent offenders to go on a registry?
Everyone is familiar with sex offender registries for those convicted of sex crimes. People can remain on these registries for many years after they've completed their prison sentence. Now, two Ohio lawmakers are advocating for a similar registry for people who've...
How does a felony conviction impact your right to vote in Ohio?
Here in Ohio, we've been inundated recently with a seemingly-endless barrage of ads from the presidential candidates. Every vote may be crucial to electing the next president. However, many people wrongly believe that they are no longer allowed to vote because they...
Limo stolen, Facebook video allegedly shows crime
Social media helps keep us in touch with family and friends, share music and generally let others know what we're doing. There are some people, though, that use social media for something a bit different -- showing off their crimes. That is what police allege happened...
Grandmother overdoses on heroin with grandbaby in truck
A 56-year-old woman has been charged with child endangerment in Ohio after police found the woman allegedly overdosed on heroin and unconscious in her pickup. Her 11-month-old grandson was in the pickup as well. According to a news report in which the woman spoke with...
Police make arrest for 30 suspicious fires in Cleveland
For the last eight months, someone has been setting fires in one Cleveland neighborhood -- more than 30 fires. For the residents of that neighborhood, the news of an arrest has them feeling very relieved. The only affected area has involved three or four streets. The...
Weapon crimes can have harsh penalties
If you are charged with a weapon crime, you know one thing to be true: The penalty can be harsh enough to change your life forever. Weapons charges should always be taken seriously, as the penalties can impact your personal and professional lives both now and in the...
The seriousness of assault charges
When it comes to assault charges, you are often behind the eight ball. And here is why: The authorities are more likely to believe the victim, especially if he or she has a good story. Of course, this doesn't do you any good. Instead, you are being treated unfairly...