Being charged with fraud in the state of Ohio can be a devastating experience. You may not even be certain of why you were charged. You may likewise not know what kind of fraud is being alleged. It’s a good idea to get familiar with the idea of fraud. Doing so can help you prepare the right kind of defense strategy.
Mail fraud
There are many activities that can be defined as fraud from a criminal defense standpoint. One of the most common is mail fraud. This is defined as any kind of fraudulent activity that uses the mail as its venue. If the mail is used at any point during the commission of fraud, it’s mail fraud.
The most common types of mail fraud can include sending someone a letter to try to scam them out of their money. You can also send a letter to try to harvest their personal info for illegal or criminal purposes. Originating chain letters is also considered mail fraud. So is stealing or opening someone else’s mail.
Driver’s license fraud
There are many other actions that can be considered under the heading of fraud. One of them is obtaining a fraudulent driver’s license in someone else’s name. Once obtained, a license can be used to open a bank account, board a plane, or rent a car. The license can also be used to enable a person to commit any number of crimes that will then be charged to someone else.
Health care fraud
Medical or health care fraud is one of the most common and dangerous types of this activity. Experts have shown that health care fraud costs the industry, as well as individual taxpayers, billions of dollars every year. This type of fraud occurs when an individual, medical office, or insurance provider obtains private insurance info and proceeds to use it for their own gain.
Misusing health care info in this fashion is considered one of the more egregious types of fraud. If convicted, a person can receive heavy fines and a long prison sentence.