Ohio does allow for medical marijuana to be used for patients in need. There are things to know, though, especially if you’re being accused of a drug crime related to marijuana use. In fall 2018, medical marijuana will be available for the first time ever in Ohio. It will only be allowed to be sold by approved retailers starting in September. Each sale is taxed.
Ohio will allow for the sale of buds, edibles, concentrates and tinctures. Dosages of any of these could be anywhere from $5 to $20. Some edibles cost as little as $3.
Marijuana is still illegal across the nation when looking at federal laws. As a result, people who are interested in using medical marijuana may not be covered by insurance. There are specific quality controls in place, so some insurance companies cover those who are purchasing medical marijuana in a state where it is legal.
Even though this marijuana is legal for purchase, there are still limits on how much you can obtain at any one time. You may have up to 8 ounces of tier 1 medical cannabis. Medical cannabis tests at or below a THC value of 23. If the marijuana tests higher, you can possess only up to 5.3 ounces. You may also possess up to 9.9 grams of cannabis oil, capsules and edibles. If you are caught with more than the allowance, you may face penalties for possession.
Marijuana is still illegal when it comes to recreational use. Ohio also bans you from personally growing your own medical marijuana supply. Our site has more on medical marijuana and what to expect as Ohio changes its laws.