The sad truth of the opioid epidemic is that it’s so severe in Ohio that the morgues filled up in August. In 2005, close to 500 people died from opioid overdoses in Ohio. Comparatively, in 2015, 2,700 people died in Ohio.
Addiction is a disease that has to be combated with medical knowledge and support. It’s not enough to put people who abuse opioids in jail — when they’re released, they’re likely to offend again. Instead, these individuals need help to get clean, and that takes medical knowledge.
In July 2017, a White House commission asked the president to make the opioid crisis a national health emergency. Ohio is one of the states in the deepest grips of the epidemic.
Approximately 88 percent of the deaths caused by overdose in Ohio were related to opioids in 2016. In one county, Montgomery, the officials believe that the number of overdose deaths are going to double, making the overall record of 349 opioid deaths look like a minor loss.
That county struggles most because of its location, they believe. With two major interstates, 70 and 75, it’s easier to get drugs into the region directly. Some cartels ship their drugs directly to Dayton, where the intersection of the highways are just a few minutes away.
In areas hit hard by opioid deaths, the counties have had to hire more coroners. They’ve had to extend their workdays and perform more autopsies than normal. They’ve even had to increase the size of the morgue freezer.
The opioid crisis is so severe that anyone caught with these drugs could be prosecuted severely. It’s in your interests to defend yourself as soon as possible. Our website has more information.