Many people are unfamiliar with computer related laws, as these are relatively new. Furthermore, these laws differ from one state to the next. However, there are many laws in place to protect people from online related crimes. For example, cyberstalking has been in the news a lot as of late.
In short, this is exactly what it sounds like. Cyberstalking comes into play when a person uses an electronic device, such as a computer or smartphone, to stalk or harass another party. Also known as electronic harassment, this is a serious crime that can be accompanied by a heavy punishment.
The most common forms of cyberstalking include text messages, social media and email. In most cases, a single incident of online harassment is not considered to be cyberstalking. However, if a pattern is present, it can be considered a crime. When a child is involved, cyberstalking can be referred to as cyberbullying.
The penalties for cyberstalking differ from state to state. Typically, this includes community service and/or a fine. However, if the problem persists after the first punishment, jail time is a possibility.
In today’s day and age, most people use electronic devices to communicate with others. For example, Facebook and Twitter communications are growing with each passing day.
Have you been charged with cyberstalking or a related Internet crime? If so, you need to know the details of the charges and the potential punishment. From there, you can consult with a legal professional who can explain the law and help you devise a defense strategy to avoid life-altering consequences.
Source: FindLaw, “What Is Cyberstalking?,” accessed Aug. 04, 2016