A 23-year-old Ohio woman was taken in police custody on Jan. 2 after authorities accused her of attempting to hide drug paraphernalia in a vehicle, according to news sources. The incident occurred at approximately 9 p.m. in the parking lot of a fast food restaurant on North Gettysburg Avenue in Dayton. Officers were reportedly sitting in the parking lot finishing some paperwork when a vehicle that was deemed suspicious parked nearby. The officers reported that when they approached the vehicle, the driver agreed to a vehicle search. Officers then reportedly observed the accused woman attempt to hide drug paraphernalia between the seat.
The woman was taken into custody and transported to the nearby jail. She was ultimately accused of possessing drug abuse instruments. It was not known if she remained in custody or if she had been released. It was also not known if any other drug paraphernalia was reportedly found during the vehicle search or if the other individuals were detained following the search.
The consequences of a possession of drug paraphernalia charge can be severe, especially if the defendant has a history of convictions or drug abuse. Penalties can potentially include a jail sentence, probation and expensive fines.
Depending on the circumstances of the defendant’s case, there are several defenses that could potentially be utilized. For example, if other individuals were present when the drug paraphernalia was found, the defendant could argue that the paraphernalia belonged to another person. Otherwise, if there is overwhelming evidence that the paraphernalia belonged to the defendant, an attorney may potentially be able to negotiate a plea bargain that reduces the severity of the punishment but may also allow the defendant to seek help for a possible drug addiction.
Source: WDTN, “Police make drug arrest in Burger King parking lot“, Kelley King, January 03, 2015