The sad truth of the opioid epidemic is that it's so severe in Ohio that the morgues filled up in August. In 2005, close to 500 people died from opioid overdoses in Ohio. Comparatively, in 2015, 2,700 people died in Ohio. Addiction is a disease that has to be combated...
Other Crimes
What kinds of scams take place online?
There are many kinds of online scams, and if you're accused of starting one, it's a major threat to your freedom. If you're convicted of scamming people, you could face heavy fines and jail time, so it's necessary to defend yourself if you're accused. No two cyber...
Ohio Attorney General wants to see addiction treatment expanded
Ohio and other states have been in the middle of an opioid crisis. More people than ever are getting ahold of strong drugs, like heroin, overdosing and dying. Where people may once have used ecstasy or marijuana, people are now choosing harder drugs and becoming truly...
Revenge hacking: Still illegal, despite good intentions
Imagine being in charge of a major business. You've witnessed hacking destroy lives through the Equifax debacle, and you know that you have information that people could want to hack as well. You think the best plan is to set up your own hacking endeavor. If someone...
What do you need to tell your defense attorney?
You knew you were in trouble when the police arrived at your office. You thought you might be accused of participating in some of the criminal acts you saw around your office, and now you have been. It's important to have a solid strategy for defending yourself if...
Felonies lead to heavy penalties and require a strong defense
When you were arrested for a third time for driving under the influence, you thought you might face another misdemeanor charge. Shockingly, when you spoke to your attorney, you found out you were being charged with a felony. Now, you're not sure what to do, because a...
What is dirty money, and how does it apply to money laundering?
Money laundering is a crime in which "dirty" money is transferred through a series of transactions for assets or cash. The money is called dirty money because it is derived from criminal activities. There are a number of anti-money laundering laws that have been...
Identity theft is a serious allegation: Fight back
Identity theft is a serious allegation that you need to defend yourself against as soon as possible. An accusation essentially says that you've been bold enough to take someone else's personal information and to use it for your own personal gain. Whether that's true...
Chinese fentanyl trade blamed for Ohio overdoses
The slew of individuals caught with fentanyl in Ohio has been a major concern with the growing opioid epidemic, but a news release from July 24 may pinpoint where the influx of the dangerous drug came from. According to the report, it was a Chinese wholesale supplier...
You’re typically not really anonymous online
One prevailing myth about the internet is that you're basically anonymous while you're using it. While this can be true in some situations, much of what you do online is actually tracked. For example, Google has records of the searches that you conduct. You can even...