Facing drug charges in Ohio can be a very frightening experience indeed. Depending on the precise charges you face, a conviction could cost you your freedom for a significant period of time. It goes without saying, however, that the prosecutor must first prove...
Year: 2018
Why was I charged with drug trafficking?
Many drug crime defendants are surprised to discover that they were charged with drug trafficking instead of drug distribution or even possession. Such charges will be especially surprising for those who never engaged in the sale or distribution of drugs....
What’s the history of the ‘Ponzi scheme?’
Charles Ponzi was a man whose name went down in history for the "scheme" he developed to take money from unsuspecting investors. Since the days of Charles Ponzi, his money-grabbing scam has been replicated by countless white collar criminals on scales from large to...
Freedoms lost by convicted felons in Ohio
Being convicted of a felony in Ohio brings with it a lot of consequences. For starters, the convicted felon will be sentenced to prison. Depending on the crime committed, the felon could be facing anywhere from one year to life in prison. The felon might also face...
Ohio warns about phishing scams of all kinds
In Ohio, phishing scams seem to become more creative with each passing year. If law enforcement officials accuse you of participating in or masterminding one of these schemes, you must act quickly to avoid indictment or arrest. Your future is on the line. Case...
Can you rescind a white collar plea bargain?
If you face a federal white collar crime charge in Ohio, you and your attorney may have the opportunity to enter into a plea bargain agreement with the prosecutor. It may surprise you to learn that upwards of 90 percent of federal white collar criminal cases are...
Defenses for white collar crime charges
White collar crimes are common in the business world as thousands of people try their best to defraud organizations or embezzle money from individuals. These crimes require a strong defense in order to have the charges reduced or dropped so that you don't wind up...
Mounting a strong defense to drug charges
Being faced with a drug charge in Cleveland, Ohio, is stressful. You either have to fight the charge or take the punishment that the court hands you -- so it makes sense to start looking at your possible defenses. Today, we will look at the best way to mount a strong...
Is white collar crime prosecution on the decline?
Those facing white collar criminal charges are probably understandably nervous and stressed at the prospect of spending significant time behind bars or paying thousands (if not millions) of dollars in fines. But according to recent data, white collar criminal...
What does cyberstalking include?
Cyberstalking is a rather loosely-defined crime in that it can encompass a whole host of different activities that are carried out online. As much as the internet has changed our lives and our communication over the past few decades, it has also changed criminal...