When you think of someone who commits drug crimes, the last thing that likely comes to mind is the drug producer itself. Pharmaceutical companies are coming under fire, though, because it's being alleged that they knew that the drugs they were selling were addictive...
Year: 2017
Federal marijuana laws are tough on individuals
There are many states where marijuana has become legal. Despite that, not all states recognize that marijuana may have its place in medicine or as a recreational drug. Marijuana is also illegal in federal law. If you are caught by the Federal Bureau of Investigation...
How can you shop safer online?
The internet is a wonderful place; it has lots of things to buy and connects you to the rest of the world. It's also home to some people who want to steal from others. Between phishing scams and viruses, there are many ways to get financial information and other kinds...
Criminal conspiracies: What you need to know
If you're accused of conspiracy, it's vital that you understand exactly what that means. By definition, a criminal conspiracy is when at least two people commit a crime together. It doesn't matter what crime it is. At that point, some action must be taken to actually...
Embezzlement is a deportable offense and felony charge
Embezzlement is a type of aggravated felony. As a result, anyone who is working toward citizenship or who is immigrating to the United States needs to be aware of what it is and how to avoid participating in any acts that could result in a conviction. Embezzlement can...
Those doing federal contract work must avoid kickbacks
Many Ohio workers are contractors or employees of contractors who work on projects of the federal government. Federal contracts are subject to strict laws regarding the payment of reward for better treatment than would otherwise be available under the official...
Identity theft: A federal crime
Identity theft is an important thing to discuss, especially during the holiday season. Identity theft is a federal crime, so the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) tracks and prosecutes those who aim to take advantage of others by stealing their identities....
You can defend yourself against charges for larceny
You borrowed your neighbor's lawnmower when he wasn't home, and you intended to return it. You didn't have time that night to let him know, and before you knew it, he'd reported it missing to police. They came knocking on your door, and now you're in trouble with the...
What are some kinds of fraud?
There are many people who fall victim to fraud every year, which is why the judicial system is so hard on those who commit it. Fraud comes in many forms, from lying on tax returns to filling out a fake prescription. If you're accused of fraud, you need to understand...
How can rising blood alcohol help an OVI case?
If law enforcement officers charge you with OVI, one of your possible defenses could be rising blood alcohol. At first glance, it seems to perhaps not be an effective approach, but it has helped in many cases. The concept of rising blood alcohol is this: A BAC level...